Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts:
(*denotes supervisee)

  1. *Burton, C., Duran, G., Wright, V., and Chmiel, R. (2023, preprinted at EarthArxiv). Strategies for and Barriers to Collaboratively Developing Anti-racist Policies and Resources as Described by Geoscientists of Color Participating in the Unlearning Racism in Geoscience (URGE) Program. Earth’s Future.
  2. *Kilburn, R., *Dasent, J., Wright, V., and Manga, M. (2022). Lithology, pore-filling media, and pore closure depth beneath InSight on Mars inferred from shear wave velocities. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.[pdf]
  3. Wright V., *Dasent J., *Kilburn R., and Manga M., (2022). A minimally cemented shallow crust beneath InSight. Geophysical Research Letters. [pdf]
  4. *Ferrick A., Wright V., Manga M., and Sitar N., (2022). Microstructural differences between naturally-deposited and laboratory beach sands. Granular matter. [pdf]
  5. Wright V., and Hornbach M., (2021). The effects of 180 years of aging on the physical and seismic properties of partially saturated sands. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. [pdf]
  6. Wright V., *Ferrick A., and Manga M., (2021). Coordination Numbers in Natural Beach Sand. EPJ Web of Conferences. [pdf]
  7. Manga M., and Wright V., (2021). No cryosphere-confined aquifer below InSight on Mars. Geophysical Research Letters. [pdf]
  8. Wright V., Hornbach M., Brown L., McHugh C., and Mitchell S., (2019). Neotectonics of Southeast Jamaica derived from Marine Geophysical Surveys and Gravity Cores. Tectonics. [pdf].
  9. Park J., Che I., Stump B., Hayward C., Dannemann F., Jeong S., Kwong K., McComas S., Oldham H., Scales M., and Wright V., (2018). Characteristics of Infrasound Signals from North Korean Underground Nuclear Explosions on January 6 and September 9 2016, Geophysical Journal International. [pdf]
  10. Wright V., Hornbach M., McHugh C., and Mann P., (2015). Factors Contributing to the 2005-present Rapid Rise in Lake Levels, Dominican Republic and Haiti (Hispaniola). Natural Resources, 6, 465-481. [pdf]
  11. McDonald R., Wright V., Hornbach M., Carris G., Flynn C., Frone Z., Fontana J., Giddens E., Klauser A., Mattingly B., Mauroner C., Phrampus B., Brown L., Mann P., and McHugh C., (2013). New insights into geohazard risks in Jamaica, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic: A compendium of recent Geoscientists without Borders results, 2013 Fall Meeting, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2013: pp. 1234-1238, Houston, Texas, 22-27 Sept. [pdf]


Manuscripts Submitted or in Review:
(*denotes supervisee)

  1. Wright V., *Dasent, J., *Kilburn R., Scharer, K., Manga M., and Darroch S., (submitted). Injectites, sheared voids, and ductile fracturing document 300-year fault core history. Geophysical Research Letters.
  2. Wright V., Canales J.C., de’Enremont N., Matende K., Moffat L., Giosan L., Laletsang K., Mapeo R., Behn M., and Ivory S., (preprinted at EarthArxiv). Tectonostratigraphy of the northern Okavango Delta and Rift Zone, Botswana. Tectonics
  3. Wright V., and Kotowski A., (preprinted at EarthArxiv). Mirroring minoritized students’ cultures in Geoscience courses. Journal of Geoscience Education.
  4. Wright V., and Hornbach M., (preprint at EarthArxiv). On the use of rock physics models for studying the critical zone. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth